Permaculture Design Playbook - Table Of Contents

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This book is an introduction to permaculture, a sustainable design system that aims to create self-sufficient ecosystems. It covers topics such as ecology, water management, soil health and plant use strategies.

The details..

'Introduction to Permaculture' is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in learning about the principles of permaculture. The authors provide readers with an understanding of how this sustainable design system can be used to create self-sufficient ecosystems that are both productive and resilient. They explain why it's important for us all to take responsibility for our own food production systems by using natural resources more efficiently.

The book explores various aspects of permaculture including patterns and principles, ecology and ecosystems, client relations, tools needed for successful implementation as well as class projects designed around the subject matter covered in each chapter. Readers will learn how they can apply these concepts on their own land or even within urban environments where space may be limited but resourcefulness abounds!

One key focus area discussed at length throughout the text is water management which includes everything from capturing rainwater through cisterns or ponds; designing swales (contour ditches) along slopes so runoff doesn't erode valuable topsoil; treating waste water safely before returning it back into nature via greywater systems or biogas digesters - just some examples among many others presented here.

Finally there are detailed discussions on soil health & plant use strategies covering basic gardening techniques like sheet mulching beds up through advanced polycultures involving multiple species working together synergistically towards common goals whether those involve providing habitat for beneficial insects/pollinators while also producing food crops year-round without chemicals.

Resource Info

Page count: 8
Size: 160kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available